Thursday, November 28, 2013

Summer's gone-Holidays are coming

I spent the summer gearing up for a busy fall and holiday season. Before all the work my husband
Lance and I went on a cruise up the East Coast to celebrate our 50 th anniversary. I called it the Lobster crawl. We started in New York  City and ended in Montreal, Canada. We had wonderful food-I actually got tired of lobster and we saw beautiful port after port. We had carriage rides and I even did some shopping for Design Imports. I found some fabulous Santas in Sydney, Nova Scotia. They're made from recycled furs and doll faces. I have never seen more beautiful!!

    Well I had a hicup!!! Thought I had a pinched nerve in my neck and was having small strokes. At least I didn't need help in Newfoundland. on Oct 13 I went to the hospital where I stayed for 9 days.I had vascular surgery then my heart decided to act up!! So I have spent the last few weeks resting at home.
I had a booth at the new Christmas cash and carry show but I wasn't able to go so my great associates, Alex, Lori and Linda filled in for me. Thanks ladies!
My next show is Dec 7-8 as a vendor for the Holiday Look Inn
I am home and if you need to do some holiday shopping just give me a call 626-799-2233. I will give you wholesale prices as long as you can come here and shop on the dining room table.
Happy Holidays to all of my clients, friends and family-Jane